Keep Your Piano Tuned
Beale piano agent
10 Jonathon Place
Frenchs Forest
NSW 2086
0419 602 699
02 9452 2230
“When you play music you discover a part of yourself that you never knew existed.”
From The Beginning
COLLAROY PIANO COMPANY has been trading under this name since 1986, previously the business was called "Aardvark Piano Tuning" and operated under that name for twenty two years.
Hi! My name is Patrick Joseph Lelliott. I was born in 1949 in South West Africa and migrated to Australia in 1960. In 1964 with the encouragement of my family i applied and was accepted for an apprentership as a piano tuner/technician with a company called “Western piano house'' in Parramatta, NSW . After 5 years of intense training in this field I completed my apprenticeship in 1969
Always the lover of music, in 1970 I had the opportunity to go to Vietnam to play piano and guitar with a show band called the Aljayes. While the Vietnam war was going on all around us, we were there to entertain the soldiers and make the situation a little more bearable for them. As you can imagine, I did a lot of growing up in the two years I stayed there.
On returning to Australia in 1972, I went straight back into my trade, working at the ''Beale Piano Company'' in Young St, Waterloo, Sydney . I received great experience in regulating, tuning, chipping, action fitting; key boards, piano cabinet work and installation of Hammond organ model 100 and 200 series . I left Beale in 1974 and started working for myself.
The real masters in the trade are my teachers. I owe so much of my experience in the piano field to them: "thanks so much". Mr Cedric Dixon,Mr Yatmann and most of all Mr Frank. J .Salisbury who put up with me for five long years, thanks so much Frank. Frank Salisbury has now pass a way 2011.
I have made fantastic contacts with piano tradesman over the past 30 years and now have what I consider the best contractors in their field working along side me.